ESBECAN Medical Centre i Salem

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Salem, Montserrat
Kontakter telefon: +1 664-491-5454
Latitude: 16.7494726, Longitude: -62.2220778
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Kommentar 1

  • Braimah Kassim

    Braimah Kassim


    Great Medical Centre in Montserrat. In a serene and tranquil, crime free environment with spectacular Caribbean sea view and untouched nature. It is often said that, it is the only Island Christopher Columbus will recognize if he happens to visit again. The perfect environment one needs to recover from all medical illness, mind, spirit and body. The only Centre in the Caribbean Region that practices Functional Medicine. Meaning, integrative approach to disease management, bio-identical hormone replacement, saliva hormones testing, environmental toxicity testing and Anti-aging medicine. At this Centre, the root cause of diseases are investigated and the human body is assisted in healing itself without using toxic synthetic products. Oxygen and Ozone therapy are also used. Finally, cancer patients are supported nutritionally, and the body is assisted to detoxify which helps in fighting the disease and ultimately leads to recovery. If you have visited many Doctors and have not found solution to your medical condition, such as fatigue, pains, weakness, sleep problems, cancer, medical problems that you can’t find answers for. Please call this centre, they would help you find answers and overcome your medical problem.

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