Gingerbread Hill i Saint Peter's

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St Peter's, Montserrat
Kontakter telefon: +1-664
Latitude: 16.7769896, Longitude: -62.2142817
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Kommentar 5

  • Marissa Felser

    Marissa Felser


    My husband and I had a lovely time at Gingerbread Hill. The family that owns it are wonderful. They are extremely helpful and hospitable. We learned so much about the island from them during our stay, and hope to return one day!

  • Jordan Stackhouse

    Jordan Stackhouse


    Beautiful location friendly helpful hosts. I would definitely come back

  • Martha Kelley

    Martha Kelley


    Owner Clover and her family took great care of us during our trip to Montserrat. She picked us up from the Antigua to Montserrat ferry and ran us by a grocery store on the way to Gingerbread Hill. We stayed in the 2 bedroom 2 bath villa, which offers a full kitchen, comfortable beds (a king in one room and 2 twins in the other). We loved the covered outdoor dining area and enjoyed the ocean view and gorgeous sunsets from the porch swing. After we watched an informative and well-done documentary video on the volcanic eruptions (created by owner David), Clover's son Sun took us on a fantastic tour of the island.

  • Bryan Micon

    Bryan Micon


    You don't find places like this often. The authentic nature of Clover is something from a book or movie. Run by a family that has lived here since the 80's, Gingerbread Hill is one of those quaint, romantic spots that you can't believe is real life. There is a waffle day on Saturday at thier non-profit coffee house. We were given fresh eggs from thier hens. The place is just lovely, stocked with books, puzzles, a chess set, and free wifi. Be sure to get a tour from Clover's son Sun (yes, Sun). He was an informative guide that knows this area backwards and forwards. If you ever have a chance to travel to this remote island, make sure to stay here.

  • Tanya Miller

    Tanya Miller


    Personal touch, quiet, gorgeous views...

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