Montserrat MS

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Kontakter telefon: +1-664
Latitude: 16.7432065, Longitude: -62.1923041
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Kommentar 5

  • Ros Hemmings

    Ros Hemmings


    The island for a wonderful welcome

  • Christopher Edwards

    Christopher Edwards


    Go again best holiday experience

  • Simon Ward

    Simon Ward


    This beautiful little island, a tropical paradise sat in the Caribbean sea equidistant from Antigua, Guadeloupe and St. Kitts/Nevis. A quiet and un-touristy place to kick back and experience the 'real' Caribbean, no big all inclusive resorts here you will stay in one if the island's small guesthouses or in one of the many villa rentals. There is always plenty to do but sometimes you have to go out and find it. Lots for nature lovers, hiking,snorkelling, diving or just relaxing on a beautiful empty black sand beach. A seemingly unending supply of little local bars and rumshops provide a friendly "Hello" to all along with some really rather special places to eat. A relaxed and easy going place do not expect a constant 5 star luxury but you can expect a 5 star welcome.

  • Jevon West

    Jevon West


    The way the Caribbean used to be. Friendly people and great food.

  • Judy Faulkner

    Judy Faulkner


    A very quiet and peaceful island

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