Tropical Mansion Suites i Sweeneys

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West Indies, Sweeneys, Montserrat
Kontakter telefon: +1 664-491-7666
Latitude: 16.7902581, Longitude: -62.1990338
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Kommentar 5

  • Suzette Corbin

    Suzette Corbin


    Well the atmosphere was welcoming, the food was great and I had a lovely evening celebrating my niece birthday with her

  • Colin Laidlaw

    Colin Laidlaw


    Ideally positioned. Friendly staff and good value for money. An interesting island to discover.

  • Kate Shillingford

    Kate Shillingford


    Great views and great service

  • anita perkins

    anita perkins


    A great experience!!

  • Keon Christopher

    Keon Christopher


    I along with my family were having dinner at the bottom floor. I took a Piña-colada and it was AMAZING!! I had the Montserratian Pineapple BBQ burger with bacon, cheese and fries. It was good at first bit the bun was a bit burnt and I wasn't happy about that. Never the less it was alright apart from the fact that the meat was a big too tender. I got a bit mad when I asked the waitress for some water. I told her to put a half cup but she filled it up to the brim. Other wise I enjoyed. It's a very reasonable place to eat and chat and have dinner.

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