Olveston House i Salem

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Loblolly Ln, Salem, MS Montserrat
Kontakter telefon: +1 664-491-5210
Hjemmeside: olvestonhouse.com
Latitude: 16.7476022, Longitude: -62.2241914
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Kommentar 5

  • YazB



    I did not stay here for the bed and breakfast but I was invited to a buffet dinner. It was delicious! It seems to be a family run business where the mother runs the hotel aspect and her daughter rules the kitchen! It definitely has that old bed and breakfast feel which is quite a nice touch while in Montserrat! I'd definitely recommend heading over for the food and seeing how they've nailed that, I wouldn't mind staying there too!

  • Suzette Corbin

    Suzette Corbin


    The food and atmosphere is always good so check it out and the staff is very pleasant

  • J. Kimmel

    J. Kimmel


    There's nothing quite like this place. A must visit. Can't wait to have dinner on the porch again!

  • Simon Ward

    Simon Ward


    Stay here or visit for food but whatever you do on your trip to Montserrat do not miss Olveston House. Charming place with a world class position in the history of the music business. Even more charminf staff and food that was in one recent poll, declared the 3rd best in the whole of the Caribbean.

  • Dalton Lee

    Dalton Lee


    It's a quite quaint get aways guest house. The staff is very friendly and accommodating.

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