Hilltop Coffee House i Saint Peter Parish

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Cedar Dr, Saint Peter Parish, MS Montserrat
Kontakter telefon: +1 664-491-4455
Hjemmeside: gingerbreadhill.com
Latitude: 16.7762278, Longitude: -62.2102064
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Kommentar 5

  • Joyceline Hogan

    Joyceline Hogan


    Nice place to look at memorabilia

  • Bryan Micon

    Bryan Micon


    This place is super special. Run by the good people of Gingerbread Hill just down the road, here you will not only find great food, coffee, and strawberry guava juice, but an entire museum dedicated to the special time when Montserrat was a hotbed of musical production. The long destroyed AIR studios Montserrat must have been amazing creative center back in the day. Relive a piece of that here at Hilltop Coffee House.

  • janet bowker

    janet bowker


    Love this place. Waffle Saturday is a must. The owners are so friendly and knowledgeable about the island.😎

  • Zach Timmons

    Zach Timmons


    To start, the coffee house is like a museum of the island. It has records from Elton John, Jimmy Buffet, the Beatles, and of course, Arrow. The establishment also has tables from Air Studios, Interesting artifacts from Plymouth, and local artwork on display. A timeline of the volcano is also present. The proprietor of Hilltop, David Lea, was instrumental in photographing and recording the eruption in 1990's. The coffee was great, and the atmosphere is nice. A must stop for any visitor or tourist of this amazing island. P.S. get the Belgian waffles!

  • Martha Kelley

    Martha Kelley


    Went for waffle day on Saturday. Food is good and the strawberry guava juice was excellent. It's decorated with historical pictures and items from the island, including old signs from businesses that existed before the volcanic eruptions and items from Air Studio Montserrat.

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