Ziggy's i Saint Peter's

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St Peter's, Montserrat
Kontakter telefon: +1 664-491-8282
Hjemmeside: www.ziggysrestaurant.com
Latitude: 16.7700324, Longitude: -62.2160246
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Kommentar 5

  • Mark Mackeil

    Mark Mackeil


    The gem of Montserrat with quality food. You must try Ziggy's. The intimate restaurant is hidden away in a forested mountain retreat. The food was excellent. We were greeted with a friendly welcome by Marcia and guided through the wine choices and meal selection. All of our meals were excellent. In fact, the fried squid was some of the best I have ever had. What a hidden gem on the island. Food was so good we returned on a Friday night and service and food was consistently very good. Marcia was a great hostess and explained much of the island history as well as her life story and personal experiences of life on the island .

  • Maria Mackeil

    Maria Mackeil


    Great experience! This was our first trip to Montserrat and we were thrilled to have found Ziggy’s. The restaurant has a tropical rainforest feel with touches of eclectic elegance. Marcia and her husband made a great team, with Marcia’s gracious and welcoming demeanor accompanied by her husbands culinary magic (I’m confident Marcia has a very strong influence in the menu selections and preparations). The food was so delicious and I highly recommend the filet, potatoes, and the afagato for dessert. Sit back, relax and enjoy the whole experience.

  • Cosmo Corigliano

    Cosmo Corigliano


    We were in Montserrat for a week and it was exceptional but we feel particularly fortunate to have found Ziggy's. It is the gem on the island. No other restaurant on the island comes even close.

  • Jerette Gerald

    Jerette Gerald


    It's Amazing with Great Customer Service..

  • kate ambler

    kate ambler


    It’s always a wonderful dinner with Marcia and Chef John . Always one of If first dinners on the rock !

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